Ps 122 - I was glad when they said to me, - Deut 16:16

“Let us go to the house of יהוה.”

Mo'ed - Appointed Time

At the Mo'edim (Appointed Feasts) we are looking forward to spending time with YHVH our maker and host of the Feasts and Yeshua His outstretched arm our saviour, the lamb of Elohim,


and with each other - in praise and worship, biblestudies, common meals and fellowship...


Open Meeting at

Independence Park

on the weekly Shabbat from early afternoon

During Pesach and Sukkot

Welcome ! ברוכים הבאים



Pesach in Yerushalayim - April 11-21, 2025


Want to be part of the remnant that keeps Pesach, Shavuot and Sukkot

together in Jerusalem and keep it simple?


After all YHVH says:

"I will again make you dwell in tents, as in the days of the appointed feast." Hos 12,9


Just bring your own:

 - sleeping bag
 - plate/bowl/cup + cutlery

       - an instrument to bring an offering of praise


 What voice does your heart follow?
 "It is too much for you to go up to Jerusalem."  1 Kings 12:28

 Jeroboam (1st King of the Northern Kingdom)

"Jerusalem, Jerusalem, [...]

   how many times did I want to gather your children, [...] but you did not want!" Mt 23, 37
 Yeshua (King of Judah)

"Give YHWH your hand and come to his sanctuary,
   so that your brethren and your children will find mercy,
   so that they may return to this land."
2 Chr. 30

Hezekiah (King of Judah)

"I am pleased with those who say to me, let us go to the house of YHVH!

   now our feet are in your gates, Jerusalem, [...]
   where the tribes go up, the tribes of YHVH."
Ps 122
David (King of Judah)



"Camp Ephraim represents those from around the world who follow Y'shua by following his torot.  We are all learning to walk in his ways and are in varying levels of understanding and obedience. This can create
challenges including when and how to worship, but we come together as one in heart and respect each others understandings.  When it involves differing times to celebrate the moedim, we are saddened that we are not all together in one place at one time, but know that Abba allows the differences in understanding to further his ultimate purpose in our
individual lives, as well as between us."



At Camp Ephraim the in-tent-ion is to follow the example of Elkana and his wives.

Even, when the place of worship was desecrated they would still come to keep the appointed times.

We share the „fate“ and the faith of Hannah that once was barren and later had many children.

(1 Samuel 2, 1-10)


Hannah prayed, and said,

My heart rejoices in יהוה/YHVH […];

because I rejoice in thy ישוע/Yeshua.


יהוה/YHVH kills, and makes alive:

he   brings down to the grave,

and brings up.


יהוה/YHVH shall judge the ends of the earth;

and he shall give strength unto his king,

and exalt the horn of his משיח/Mashiach.


At Camp Ephraim our hearts rejoice in יהוה/YHVH


because we rejoice in His Yeshua/ישוע

whom יהוה/YHVH killed, and made alive :

whom יהוה/YHVH brought down to the grave, and brought up again –

Yeshua/ישוע – His Mashiach/משיח – our King



YHVH Elohim by whom HE will save.   Hosea 1,7


I, I am YHVH, and besides me there is no savior.   Isaiah 43,11


YHVH Zebaoth reigns on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem.   Isaiah 24,23


Interview with Camp Ephraim by

Dawn Hogendorn (His Word Heals)

There Now also is a Camp Ephraim Page on The Torah Network !

The new Social Network for Rev 14:12 Believers.

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